Water Conditioners vs Water Softeners. Why Not Both?

Does my home have hard water, and if so, what do I do about it? However, this raises an important question: What does the term “hard” water actually mean? Hard water refers to minerals such as calcium and magnesium found in the water. These minerals leave behind build up or scaling, which can accumulate in sinks and tubs, as well as appliances that use water. The scaling can also build up in water pipes, reduce the efficiency of your faucets and showerheads, and eventually eat through the pipes themselves causing costly leaks and water damage in your home. Hard water coming out of dishwashers, washers, and showerheads can lead to other problems as well.  For instance, cleaning appliances that use hard water can leave a film on dishes, and even on our skin.  

Comparing Water Conditioners to Water Softeners

If your home is tested to have hard water, then what’s the solution? The answer would be water conditioners and water softeners.  But what is the difference between conditioners and softeners and which one should you choose?

“Water softening” is a system that replaces sodium ions with the hard water minerals. This process is called ionic exchange.  The system flushes out the calcium and magnesium meaning your home is now free of hard water minerals.

“Water conditioning” is a different type of system that cannot remove the hard water minerals completely from the water.  Instead, it works from within to change the chemical formula of the water to prevent the minerals from buildup. A conditioner can also work to remove other contaminants in the water such as chlorine, agricultural runoff, and industrial waste.

The Best Option is Both

So many aspects of our daily lives directly relate to the water we use.  In order to achieve the safest, highest quality of water, the best option is to let conditioning and softening systems work together to purify the water for your home. Get rid of glassware with spots, clean clothes that make you itch, soap scum in the sink and tub, dull hair and dry skin with a water conditioning and softening system.