How to Remove and Prevent Limescale

Before getting into how to remove and prevent, first let’s explain what is limescale.

Limescale is the hard white crust that forms on your showerhead and faucets. Limescale is a calcium carbonate deposit that is usually chalky grey or white in color that can damage your fixtures and pipes from the inside.  After the water has evaporated, it leaves behind the chalky residue and can build-up quickly and cause numerous problems in your home including:

  • Loss of water pressure due to reduced pipe diameter
  • Bacterial growth in water pipes
  • Loss of energy in the hot water systems leading to increased heating costs
  • Irritation and itchiness of skin and dull or dry hair
  • Bad water taste

Removal and Prevention

Limescale can be stubborn to remove, as a wet rag will be ineffective.  The key to dissolving the mineral buildup is vinegar. If able to remove your affected showerheads and faucets, submerge them in a solution of vinegar and lemon juice for at least an hour. This should help to dissolve the bulk of the buildup and any remaining limescale should flake off after scrubbing with an old toothbrush.  If you are unable to remove your fixtures, use a plastic bag filled with the vinegar solution and secure it around the fixture with a rubber band or zip-tie. Draining your hot water heater can help reduce limescale buildup in the tank. Limescale loves hot water, so lowering the water temperature will reduce the production of limescale residue.  This can be done a few times a year.

For the more problematic buildup of limescale inside your piping system, it may be time to consider a water softening system. The sodium-based solutions of a water softener system go into the water supply to help counteract the damage done by mineral-rich water and prevent it from reoccurring. An electric water descaler is another option to help with a limescale problem.  Installed directly on your main water supply, a descaler will remove existing limescale and help to prevent future buildups.  It’s always a good idea to call in the professionals. A professional plumber uses hydro-jet technology to clear out blockages.  A licensed and trained plumber can identify exactly where the limescale buildups and blockages are.  

Removing and preventing the limescale buildup will help your home run more efficiently. It is not just good news for your pipes and appliances, it also means healthier skin and hair, as well as cleaner clothes and dishes!