How to Avoid Water Pressure Loss in the Shower

Losing water pressure in the shower can be quite an annoyance, and there are several possible culprits.  Some can be fairly simple and easy to fix, however, others may require assistance from the professionals.  Here are some common problems:

Clogged Showerhead: The loss of water pressure could be as basic as a clogged showerhead. Removing the showerhead and soaking it in a vinegar solution for 10 minutes can help to break free any grime and build-up accumulated over time.  Then, take a bristle tool such as an old toothbrush and scrub away any water stains, bacteria, and debris.  

Pipe Obstruction: Obstructed or damaged pipes will cause low water pressure. Look around your bathroom for signs of obstruction such as water stains on the ceiling, floor, or wall.  In addition, if you hear water running when it shouldn’t be, the best option is to call in a licensed professional to investigate further.  

Pressure Reducing Valve: The pressure reducing valve or PRV is a component installed on your water main to help prevent wasted water.  Over time, the valve can wear out or malfunction and cause a decrease or even an increase in your water pressure.  This is an easy fix for a licensed plumber.

Pressure Imbalance:  Experiencing an interruption in water pressure when someone turns on the sink or flushes the toilet is common in showers with a single handle controlling both the temperature and pressure of the shower water.  Investing in a thermostatic mixing valve, providing two separate valves to control pressure and temperature can correct this annoying occurrence as well as add value to your home.

If you are unable to determine the cause of the low water pressure issue, it is always best to call in a professional to determine the best course of action.  Contact us at Townside Plumbing today!